Every long year that has gone by
has seemed like a thousand
years lost....
If she had 100 wishes she would
use them all to spend
with the
"Jewel of her Heart"

Happy Birthday
Dear Miss Julie
from your sweetest
Cheers to the Most Beautiful Year Ever!!
Yay Yay Yay!
ProjectHope7 has left a new comment on your post "Happy Birthday Noel!! GiveAway!!": First, I am near to tears having stumbled upon this amazing and inspiring blog. I am weeping now just thinking of the blessing that has come to so many of us as you share your relationship with each other. You so beautifully thanked God for your daughter and for all in your life. I have to say you are truly blessed women. After a horrid divorce and many years of custody battles, I lost touch with my first daughter, Julie...not through any desire of mine. The years that followed were filled with more tears than anyone should have to shed...wanting to be near to her and not being able... I was sure on her part as well. Last week for the first time in many many years, she finally responded to a message I sent her thru social media..and for the first time in 17 yrs she sent me a 2 line note asking for my address and said she would send me photos of her and her new baby daughter! So as I read your post, I thought of all the things that could have been between my daughter and I... and then I thanked God for women and daughters like the two of you that give hope to some of the rest of us. My daughters birthday is on New Years day.... mine is on January 4th. The year she was born I was in the hospital having just given birth to her 3 days prior... the greatest birthday present I have ever had! If I win I would love to have you send the perfume to her... the Jewel of my heart!( that's is why I named her Julie..my precious jewel)..Happy and blessed Birthday Noel...(both my daughter and I were due on Christmas day, but arrived late!..) and Happy Blogiversary to your mom...Blessed New Year. I look forward to following this inspiring and encouraging blog! Posted by ProjectHope7 to FrenchBlue at December 30, 2009 7:47 PM