Butterfly kisses with watery lashes to all my most darling friends!
Butterfly kisses with watery lashes to all my most darling friends!
ice cream
~~~ I believe it's because My Mom always had buttermints for every special occasion. If there were buttermints brought home to our house, I knew, something special is going to happen very soon!
I Hope your week is being good to you my sweet & special friends!!
photo credits
1 old world blog 2. paris apartment 3, this is glamours 5.eat drink chic 5.reception-wedding.com 4. & 6. google images
She sat.
I observed.
I waited.She waited.
She sat and she waited some more...
I observed some more...One day her superb motherhood became a BIG success! The eggs hatched! I couldn't even see their tiny heads for 2 weeks, they were so small.
During her first few visits with me, my thoughts were....
I am going to have a hummingbird nest in my Chandelier!!!
I hang a chandelier outside of my window. It is turning lavender from sun and age. The patina is turning blue green from the salt air.
Life has such a way of handing you unexpected surprises~
It was not only watching a nest be built 6 inches from my eyes.
It was watching her work so hard collecting, she recycled warmth. She gathered dryer lent, feathers and even something blue! She sewed it all together! Watching her patience. Watching her nurture. Watching her teach these babies how to flutter their wings. Watching them grow was an unexpected surprise for me!
One day they all flew away... together, I believe.
I wonder if they are still so close. I wonder if they are safe. I wonder where they are living~
So today I DO have a nest in my favorite chandelier!!!
Today it is an empty nest.
Today I miss the little lives and the big lessons that one little
bird shared with me.
Today I miss the beautiful mess they
made ALL OVER my windows!
Another unexpected surprise are my thoughts today!!
Wishing you all a special week!!!
All photos by FrenchBlue
My beloved Starbucks decides to GIVE AWAY
Cake Pops this weekend!!!
Birthday Cake Pops
on top of that!!
Oh No!
I am in big trouble!
They are SO GOOD!
Have a Fun Weekend
my darling friends!!!
All photos from google images & photo 2 full circle
A beautiful little bug came over to visit~
She wondered...
She wondered how in the world her beautiful cousin Noel made these pretty
Big White Paper Roses!!
All photos taken by FrenchBlue
Really it seems that way....but honestly, where does time go?
Today my angel turns 30!
May every single little & big
dream come true!
May every wish be yours forevermore!
to my
"Most Beautiful"
for the proud honor of being
photo 1 tumblr, 2 anna inghardt, 3, dior-channel, 4 sweetart, 5 & 6 frenchblue