Monday, October 12, 2009

Three Wishes And A Prayer...

I was searching for images of
wish boxes to post...
{one of my ideas for you!}
Of course, the best one I found was
taken by
Corey at
I can't ever just look at her images.
I must read the post that goes with it.
Her post was 2 years ago titled
It was about her Dad who she loves
and misses every single day....
It was about three wishes...
I smiled.
I moved over to her post today.
It is an image
of her Dad's closet....
I read it & I cried.
I understand first hand...
I want to comfort her
but don't know how.
So I prayed.
I prayed that Corey will be strong.
I prayed that she knows how loved
She is....
I prayed that she remembers that
it is a cut that makes
one grow.
Grow into beautiful things,
like her story about cutting


So I pray she has a safe journey Home

to French Husband~



Image taken by Corey at Tongue in Cheek


  1. I loove her blog! and her pictures make me want to go antiquing every single saturday and spend loads of money to fill my house with those antiques!!

  2. Oh, and I want my own French Husband! i lovvvve how they met!!

  3. Ahhh...what a lovely friend you are! Life does have it's valleys but those valleys give you strength in ways sometimes only you can see by climbing the next mountain. I love those wish boxes!

  4. The power of what you have done will show. I love these little boxes.

  5. To pray for someone is the greatest & most humble of gifts

    :) Cate

  6. I will also go and visit her blog...Cate

  7. You dearest kind heart are such a loving soul! Wishing your friend much peace....

  8. Dear Janet,
    You did it again! You put into words the most beautiful feeling and you always know just what to write. I love Corey's beautiful blog and her way of living her life, I have to admit I'm a little jealous of her glorious bathroom!!! Your words and hers moved me today and evoked feeling I too know. Thank you for such a touching post today.

  9. You have such wonderful feelings and words for all of us, Janet. I'm sure that it will give her much strength. XXXX

  10. Very sweet. I will go visit now. xoxox g.

  11. Ive been wanting to make some Wish Boxes, that image is gorgeous

  12. What a beautiful, sweet post. I am going over to visit now.

  13. You are such a caring person, I know your words touch me. Beautiful wish boxes...


  14. Oh I so hope Corey has peace and love, what a beautiful post you sweet sweet girl.

  15. these wishboxes are adorable!
    i've always had a problem with picking these up when i'm out and never getting one..

    new to the blog community and introducing myself to blogs i find that catch my fancy. absolutely adore this! would love to be friends, swap links, feature you and all that goodness <3

    so happy to meet! hope to hear from you soon!

  16. Hi Janet!

    How very sweet you are and what beautiful words you have to share. I think the "Wish boxes" are filling up fast. My thoughts go out to your dear friend ~ Corey.


  17. Hi Janet. I lost my father less than a year before Corey traveled home for months to be near her dying father. Her thoughts were so wonderful and comforting as she traveled that road. Thank you for your lovely post. Trish

  18. This is really a beautiful vintage romantic picture -thanks for sharing!//Eva
